Saturday, August 29, 2015

To Korah {With Love}

My Darling Korah,

I remember well the day I brought you home. I picked you up from the airport and cuddled you the whole way. You went under the couch twice that day, and Uncle Ben and I carefully pulled you out each time. The look on your face told me immediately that it was a game. You loved me instantly.

Once there was a time that you fell off the bed. I scooped you into my arms and for the rest of the day you stuck by me. You napped in my lap and cried when I left. I was there for you that day, and the day a year later when you tripped going up the stairs. You took a few steps before plopping down and sending up a huge cry to me. I picked you up and held you. Such a drama queen, but I loved it.

I got to take you on so many adventures with me. We went to an anime convention where you cosplayed. We went to lacrosse games. We went to Seattle, where you got to go to the top of the space needle and tour the Seahawks stadium. You went on a boat tour and a ferry ride. We went to Vancouver Canada where you got to see where Uncle Ben would be spending 2 years. We went to Arizona where you played with your Great-Grandma and we celebrated Christmas together. We went to Minnesota and on the way we saw Mt. Rushmore. I took you everywhere I could.

You were my constant companion. When I was feeling down, you cheered me up. When I was sick, you stayed with me to help me feel better. You could always tell when something was wrong. Once you brought me your toy and when I threw it, you brought it back, placed it in my hand and laid on it. You wanted me to have it. You wanted me to be happy.

When I met Jose, I brought him over to spend time with you. I wanted to see how you were with him, because you were particular about your people. It was wonderful to watch you bond with him and want to be with him.

You gave me some great memories. I will always remember giving you a bath, and holding you close after. How you would shake the water off once we were outside. How you would sit for me while I brushed you. I will always remember driving in the car with you. How excited you would get when I asked if you wanted to go for a ride. How you would stick your tongue out when the window was down. The little nose prints you always left behind. I will always remember your little face begging for food under the table. How you would stuff your chin between my legs and open your eyes wide. I will always remember the things you learned. You learned to dance. You learned to kiss. You learned to tell stories and sing. You learned to say “I love you”. I will always remember your sweet personality. How similar it was to mine. You always had to have the biggest stick. You hated being left alone. You wanted cuddles and hugs but on your terms. You never took crap from any other dogs. You took on a malamute in a race and won. You were determined to get what you wanted. You were determined to make me smile, and you always did.

I love you Korah. You were and always will be my first baby.


Thursday, August 20, 2015

August {16th to 19th}

This week has been so much fun! I just had to blog about it!

Sunday, August 16th

Jose and I drove down to Payson to visit the Belnap and Spence families. We always have so much fun when we are with them and I just love playing with Landon. Sadie used to be interested in playing with me, but now she is a huge Jose fan and prefers him if he will give her the attention, which he does. I love our monthly visits to Payson and am so grateful to have them in our lives.

Monday, August 17th

For Family Home Evening, Jose and I joined his sister Janni, Jared, Arianna and Alia for the evening. It was so sweet to be welcomed into their home and have the girls give me a quick tour of their rooms (freshly cleaned just for me)! I loved watching sweet Arianna give us a lesson on prayer and had each of us share an experience about when prayer helped us in our lives. Then cute Alia gave us a great presentation on what to do with your body when we pray. It was such a special evening with them and I am so grateful for the sweet nieces I got just over a month ago.

Tuesday, August 18th

Jose and I invited soon-to-be-newlyweds Paul and Ziti over for a late dinner. We got to visit with them and be excited for their upcoming wedding with them. They will be married on Friday! Jose welcomed Ziti to the family and let them know that we would always be there for them.

Wednesday, August 19th

Jose's brother and sister-in-law invited us to Lagoon! I have wanted to go all summer and especially since Cannibal opened. So I was very excited to go and to spend the day with Herlan, Monica and all their cute kiddos. We started off on Rattlesnake Rapids and all got soaked! So we spent the rest of the day drying out in the sun and on rides. It was so cute to see Amrita (age 3) get scared on the swinging boat, and even cuter when Kajol (7) insisted on going on all the rides with me. And we went on every ride she was tall enough for together- even Wicked. I thought for sure she would come off that ride scared as all get out and not want to go on any other roller coasters. But she was a champ. I made sure to watch her face during the up and down and she looked terrified. But the second we pulled back in to the station, she was all smiles. That girl has no fear.

We went on so many fun rides and had such a good time with all the kids. But the one ride I insisted on riding with Jose on was Cannibal. I started to get nervous in the line and then when we got on my heart was racing. As we went up the elevator I kept looking at Jose and telling him I was scared. Then we pulled out of the elevator and sat at the top, looking out to the valley. I couldn't even appreciate the view I was so scared. Then the ride took off and from then on it was so fun! I loved every second of the ride! It's mostly the anticipation of it that is scary because after going once I could have easily gone again no problem.

It was such a fun day to spend with Herlan, Monica and their kids. I am so grateful they invited us along. I must say it is really fun to be called Tia Heather.

Saturday, August 1, 2015


I’ve been thinking a lot about family recently. It’s always been my understanding that in one way or another anyone sealed in the temple is sealed to our giant eternal family. So in my mind and to people close to me I have always said, “Family is what you make it.”

As a child I grew up with three brothers and no sisters. It was great at times to have brothers, and in other times, I just needed a sister. So I went outside my house to find some and was blessed with three sisters, Rilee, Dawniel, and Emily. These girls were my saving grace at times and other times, we fought like sisters do. While developing this sisterhood with them, I came to find a second mother in Ilene and another father in Joe. This family embraced me as a sister and daughter nearly 15 years ago.
All but one of them I should say. It took Camille a bit longer to accept me as a part of the family and it wasn’t until after she got married and, if I remember correctly, sometime while she was pregnant with her first child 4 years ago that she finally started to open up to me and my role in her sisters’ and parents’ lives.

I’m happy to say that now it is easy for her to call me her sister and an aunt to her babies. And I am so happy to call her kids my niece and nephew and to call her my sister. The day I got married I received invaluable advice from her that only a sister would give. She is an incredible wife and mother and I am so grateful to be able to call her a sister.

I have another couple of girls I like to call sister; Stephanie and Heather. Stephanie is actually really a cousin of mine. Last summer she came to live with us for a year and during that time I got to really know her. She also has no birth sisters. So when we got to play sisters for a year, we had a lot of fun with it; she even stole my clothes from time to time. I hope that she sees me as a sister figure as well and knows she can come to me anytime. Heather has been my best friend since the seventh grade. She knows me well enough she can basically read my mind and match my clothes no matter what. She has seen me through some bad times and we’ve enjoyed a lot of good times together.

Since I got married to Jose, my family has grown. I have gained new siblings in Jani, Jared, Monica, and Herlan. I have six new nieces and a new nephew. I have two more people to call my parents, Daysi and Antonio. I am so blessed to have joined such a close knit family and become a part of their lives.
I also realized that Jose has several other guys he calls brothers, and more of our close friends that are a part of our family too: Paul and his soon-to-be-wife Ziti, Paul and his girlfriend Ena, Miles, and the Guzman family. The Guzman boys, David and Diego, are brothers to Jose but I knew them long before he did. I lived next door to them for a few years when I was really little. So to me, David, Diego, Jenny and the whole Guzman family is my family as well.

Even with all this family I have adopted into my life, I have my “birth” family as well. I have three awesome brothers, Grant, Garrett, and Ben. I have a sister, Caisa, who has been a comfort and friend to me in time of need. I have a nephew. I have parents, Jeff and Wendy, who supported me throughout my life and led me to become the woman I am today.

I am incredibly blessed.

I would also like to point out that I have some amazing cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, even neighbors who I have called “Uncle” or “Grandpa” or “Mom” who have contributed to my life in some way. Whether trusting me to babysit, or taking me shooting, or teaching me something new, each have left a memory that I cherish. I hope in some way I have returned the favor and expressed my appreciation for you in my life.

Thank you all for being my family.