Monday, September 26, 2016

Birth Story

Many people have been asking about my birth story, so I decided to write it down.

On August 4th, I went in for my doctors appointment and he decided to check me after I told him about the hip pain I was experiencing. I was 3 cm dilated and my doctor predicted I would not make it to September. He said 2-3 weeks because the baby was head down. I was thrilled. I had woken up that morning sick of the heartburn and discomfort of laying on my side when I wanted to sleep on my back.

Unfortunately, the doctor was wrong. He suggested that I be induced at 39 weeks because I had been having inconsistent contractions that hurt my back for weeks and with my slight scoliosis it could make labor much harder if I was any more sore from a month of contractions. I was put on a wait list for induction for August 31st.

The morning of the 31st, I got a call just after 7 am from the hospital, asking if I would like to have a baby today. Of course I said yes! After a quick shower we headed to the hospital to be induced.

My induction officially started at 9:30 am after they had checked me in. At 2 pm, the doctor came in and broke my water. Contractions got more painful and very frequent. I lasted one hour before finally asking for an epidural. I hadn't wanted one because I was afraid of needles, but the scoliosis and contractions were too much. The anesthesiologist came in and started my epidural. While he was doing it and I was sitting up and cross-legged, I felt another contraction and this time I felt like I needed to push. The finished the epidural, and the nurse checked me. I can still picture the concerned look on her face as she checked me a second time. She told me she felt a slit and it could either be a closed eye or a bum. She went to get an ultrasound machine and came back with another nurse. They looked at baby girl and told me she was complete breech.

The next hour flew by. They called the doctor to confirm that I would need a c-section and then started prepping. Jose and I had about 5 minutes alone before they took us to the OR in which Jose was able to give me a priesthood blessing. That blessing helped both Jose and I stay calm and positive, and turned the c-section into an incredibly spiritual experience for us. At 3:43 pm, our daughter was born. She was 6lbs 9oz and 18in long and pure perfection. Jose and I adore her!

I am incredibly grateful for modern medicine that brought our baby girl here safely. I'm grateful for all of the doctors and nurses that took care of us and helped us over the 3 days we were at the hospital, and for all the people who helped us after coming home. I am especially grateful to our Heavenly Father who has blessed us with this darling little girl.

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